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How easy should singing feel?You should have the ability to sing from the bottom to the extreme top of your vocal range, with a smooth, controlled, even feel to your voice. Also, you need to eliminate any "breaks" in your voice, where you "flip" or sing in different sounding voices in your lower and upper ranges. You should keep the same comfortable feel in your voice that you have when you speak, so you don't try to "reach" for high notes, or try to push out high notes. As this balance is produced in your voice, you are able to sing with greater power throughout your entire range, without strain, and without wearing out your voice.
Will this method of vocal study also help strengthen my speaking voice?Absolutely! In fact, many singers find that bad habits in their speaking voices are putting undue stress and strain on the way they sing. You cannot improve your singing voice without the benefit of also improving the natural ease and fullness of your speaking voice. This is why so many executives needing help with their professional speaking voices study this approach with me.
When studying voice, how long does it take to sing high notes easily?"Immediately. Good vocal technique should involve no strain in the production of tone anywhere in your range. A teacher must quickly begin to vocalize you right on up and down through your extreme ranges to ensure that you don't get "stuck" in any one part of your range.
Where and how does the training take place?The vast majority of teachers in the program will do virtually all of their lessons, training, observations, testing and education all online via Skype or Facetime, and through supplemental audio and video training.
Is studying voice lessons over the internet on Skype as effective as the in-studio lessons?Yes! While most of my "Skype students" are from all over the world, even some of my local students study via Skype, though they could easily come to the studio in person. They like the convenience of taking the lesson at home, and they can still get a recorded version of the lesson so they can practice what we did in the lesson. There are those who prefer in-studio lessons. It's just a personal preference. Give it a try!
Can a student be too old or too young to benefit from studying voice?Too old? Absolutely not! The voice can be trained and improved at any age. Now, as far as too young, it's not so much a matter of physical development that is a consideration. In fact, if a teacher says that a young voice is not developed enough to train either just doesn't like working with kids, or worse, they teach a terrible and dangerous vocal technique that damages a child's voice... and likely an adult's voice as well! Stay away from these teachers no matter what the age of the student!
Is correct singing really as relaxed and easy on my voice as talking?Yes! When your are talking at a comfortable conversation level, without interference from the muscles in your neck, throat or jaw, you are also on the road to a powerful, full, free singing voice.
Are the training materials as effective as private lessons?The discs and downloads were made to be highly effective, helping you "train yourself" to sing with greater freedom, range, power and control. Of course it's even more helpful to work with someone who really knows how to teach this technique. Studying privately, even occasionally, can keep you on the most direct path to meeting your goals while working through the program material.
How does purchasing the downloads work?First of all, it is likely going to be far cheaper and convienient to simply subscribe to the program at You get even more that the downloads because there is a growing video library of teaching that the downloads do not include. Now, that being said, purchasing a download starts just like purchasing discs, but at the end of the transaction, you are given a link to click. When you click the link, the vocal training material automatically downloads (in the form up a .zip file) to your computer's download folder. Open up the .zip file and you can immediately get started with your training!
Are the training products guaranteed?Yep! 1 Full-Year Guarantee - If after 1 year of training with this program you aren't singing with more vocal strength, range and control, you'll receive a full refund on all downloads! Also, for subscriptions there is no long-term commitment, so you can cancel anytime. IT'S THAT GOOD!!
Is there a phone app version of the vocal training program subscription?Simply stated... yes there is! It is included in the online subscription at no additional cost.
How do I find a really good voice teacher?Be sure you are choosing a teacher who understands and can demonstrate a superior vocal technique. A voice technique teacher is vitally important because without the technical ability to sing flexibly and clearly in all parts of your range, you are going to run into vocal limitations or even worse, vocal damage. A good voice technique teacher is hard to find. Just because a teacher can play the piano while you follow along, you are not necessarily learning to sing, any better. Also, if the teacher tends to just holler out instructions like "support the tone", "sing from your diaphragm", "lift your soft pallet", and "open you mouth", you know you are likely dealing with a poor teacher. If you don't feel your vocal range, tone, and control improving within a few lessons, then work with a better teacher who will help you attain your goals faster. Many teachers have poor vocal technique, or they may have nice voices but are rarely successful at showing others how to achieve easily produced vocal power, range, and control. Before studying with a teacher, give them a "tryout". Ask them to demonstrate their vocal ability, showing you how they sing from the very bottom to the extreme top of their range without strain, or changing from one vocal quality to another at any point.
I've tried voice lessons before without real results. How Is this approach different?Many (dare I say, most?) voice teachers do not truly understand and primarily concentrate on teaching vocal technique. Though many try, they often do more to confuse students than to help them. Again, if you don't find a teacher that shows you the way to a more comfortable use of your voice, with more strength and range within just a few lessons, then find another teacher to work with.
Based on my own gender, should I study with a man or a woman?"For a teacher who understands the voice, and who knows how to get results for his or her students, gender doesn't matter one way or the other. In other words, there is no advantage to studying with your own gender if they can't teach both genders extremely and equally well.
I've heard that the best singing teachers are opera singers. Is this important?Opera is a style of music; it isn't a method of teaching. More important than the singing of any style, including opera, is the ability of a teacher to vocalize a singing student through their entire range, without breaks or strain. Once the voice is free, a teacher should bring a student through ANY style of music the student wishes to do. The word "opera" tends to inspire confidence in students that may well be unfounded. Find a teacher who can help you find your best voice and let you soar within that style. Opera isn't a "better" way to learn singing, any more than other styles.
Who should take voice lessons?The answer to this question is simple: Any singer wanting to improve his or her singing voice should take voice lessons. Certainly this would include about every singer, but there might be a couple of reasons why some singers should not take voice lessons, and they are: 1) if you don't have the time or the inclination to practice, and 2) if you don't have patience and an open mind because what you learn may be very different from the way you are used to feeling yourself sing. Patience is necessary because what goes into your thought processes must eventually work its way into your voice. This takes time and a focused determination, but you will absolutely improve tremendously if you work with the right teacher.
A special note for beginners...As a beginner, you can benefit the most from proper vocal instruction and be hurt the most, possibly to the point of forever ruining your singing voice or love of singing, from a poor voice teacher. Keep in mind, it's much easier to learn a good singing technique from the start than it is to improve a bad singing habit that is fully developed and ingrained. If you aren't willing to stay focused with an instructor that is right for you then don't take any lessons until you're ready to commit to it. Also, DO NOT accept vocal technique tips from anyone, including relatives, friends, etc., even if they have good voices - they will almost certainly hurt your voice, even though they are well intentioned. Why to I say that? Being a good singer doesn't mean you know how to teach. Often, singers who can sing very well are asked for tips. Over time, those singers may even start giving unsolicited advice. Eventually they may even take lessons and become voice teachers. Well, as an analogy, someone might be a great car driver and tinker around with the engine a bit, but that doesn't mean I want them to build my car! Many of the worst voice teachers I've seen even have advanced college degrees in singing! Everyone has their own way of thinking and feeling their way through their singing. A great voice teacher knows how to "build the voice from the ground up" AND can teach you to use that voice with amazing skill and agility.
Effective vocal training - all styles, all levels.
Want to become a voice teacher? Get certified! From education and education & teaching skills, to business setup & expansion...

Dramatically improve your voice via 1-on-1 lessons, online lessons & group classes led by voice teacher, Eric Bruner
Voice lessons to go! Get Eric's successful vocal technique training programs via phone app, download & streaming tools.

Eric Bruner has been teaching voice lessons for 30 years, specializing in vocal technique, allowing singers to sing any style of music with the same comfortable, confident and effortless voice they use when simply speaking.
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